The great ape
Using sign language, Lucas explained to the gorilla about the paintings he had produced with legendary bullfighters. In the red geometric shape, a man leaves a part of his heart and his soul forever.
The great ape etches onto the red geometric shape and signs ‘I’ in Lucas’ broken writing. When ‘I’ is used, it means we are aware of belonging to the extraordinary world around us.
“The red mark is the core and that core becomes art when it is felt, perceived and conceived by conscious awareness…”
Pierre Restany, Paris, 1992.
Lucas explained to the gorilla about the paintings he had produced with legendary bullfighters, Paco Ojeda, Espartaco… In the red geometric shape, a man leaves a part of his heart and his soul forever.
The signature of life…
The great ape etches onto the red geometric shape.
Art in human being
The great ape signs ‘I’ in Lucas’ broken writing. When ‘I’ is used, it means we are aware of belonging to the extraordinary world around us.
Jesus and the big ape on the cross, with their mother at their feet.