The blue people
Anonymous human beings

For my creatures, my hand merely provides assistance for the spirit seeking a body in which to rest
The embryo position also portrays the blackout point where the departing spirit has a symbolic vision of his actions in his earthly body.

“…The blue beings want to communicate, seek a home to rest in… but no one understands them. They write to us, but their words remain unintelligible to us. The blue men, my creatures, my hand provides only additional assistance to the spirit that seeks a body to rest in…”

The effigy is like a guide – there is no doubt that they need me…
This is the anonymous being.

Autoportrait. Lettre à ma mère

Lettre à…

The embryonic position also represents that unconscious moment when the departing person has a symbolic vision of their actions in their earthly body. What they have done and thought becomes objective when they realise that they are leaving their carnal layer. They have an irrepressible desire to have another one again. This is the dreamer’s awakening to reality. It is the looking glass test where the naked soul is reflected.

Huile / Toile (61×50)

Huile / Toile (100×81)

Ma grand-mère


Huile / Toile (100×81)

Huile et terre / Toile (61×50)

Huile / Toile (130×97)