
If an outstanding human being decides to do something and to set great store by it, however small that thing, it becomes important.
If Christ had left us a piece of fabric on which he had etched a painted geometric shape and said: “I am leaving a part of my heart and soul here forever”, this relic would be the most moving and most extraordinary – in the strongest sense of the word – ‘work of art’.
Unlike other works of art, on which people put price tags, this painted piece of fabric would have none. Nobody would be able to put a price on such a message in our possession and yet…

Huile sur toile (92×73)
Étude préparatoire pour une huile sur toile (240×600)
Huile / Toile (92×73)

Mary, at the foot of the cross, whispers to her son before he utters his final breath.

The great ape on the cross
At his feet, his mother

Lucas on the cross